Monday, May 23, 2011


I'm really not much of a bird watcher, but I have been paying more attention to them this year. The winter was so tough, I felt bad for them and threw seed and cracked corn on the snow for them. Then this spring there are either more birds than usual, or I am just becoming more attuned to them. In the vine just outside the window there is a robin's nest, and from inside (about 24 inches away) I can follow developments. There appear to be three young ones, and the rate of growth is amazing. I suspect these are the final few days before they take off on their own. Unfortunately, my camera skills are not good enough to get pictures, and apparently even my movements behind the window are enough to spook the mother, and she takes off.

1 comment:

  1. We had robins nesting on our front porch last year and they became quite fierce once the babies arrived. They would dive bomb anybody who went out the front door. So watch out. This year, some little finches decided the porch lamp was a good place for a nest. Guess the porch will be dark until they hatch. It is amazing how fast they grow. And they are so demanding.
