Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Mirror with "Female Complaints"?

When dismantling an antique mirror prior to restoration, I found some pages from one of Lydia Pinkham's publications being used as backing material. There was no date, but it appears to be late 19th century.

Lydia Pinkham was, in her day, probably as famous as Steve Jobs. Her "vegetable compound" patent medicine was sold to help with "female troubles", that long-ago term for things that were not to be discussed around the men-folk. This seemed to be a pretty much all-encompassing category of issues. What efficacy it had is questionable, but the 20% alcohol content may have been part of the reason for its success.

Apparently there is still a product being sold under this brand name, but it appears to be blended and marketed as an iron supplement.

You can learn more about her here.

The factory was located in Lynn, Massachusetts, and is now home to artist studios and small businesses.

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